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MAPPA Complaints


MAPPA is not a statutory body in itself, but a mechanism through which

agencies can better discharge their statutory responsibilities to protect the

public in a co-ordinated and joined up way.

Managing Complaints in MAPPA

MAPPA will receive complaints regarding the way in which offenders have

been managed and potentially in how disclosure was or was not made and

whether a person was denied access to a meeting or minutes.

Where a complaint is received, it is important that is it managed promptly. All

complaints should be directed to the MAPPA Co-ordinator who will then

consult with the Strategic Management Board (SMB) Chair and agree how to

proceed. The MAPPA Co-ordinator will report quarterly to the SMB on all

complaints received and the findings from them, particularly where they affect

the operational workings of MAPPA. The SMB will ensure that actions are

taken to avoid a repetition of such a situation in the future.

This is a MAPPA Co-ordinator/Management function.

Where the complaint relates to how one particular agency has operated, the

complaint should be passed to the SMB representative for that agency for the

complaint to be dealt with through the agency’s complaint procedure. The

MAPPA Co-ordinator will write to the complainant to advise them of this and

provide contact details for the SMB member. The SMB member will keep the

MAPPA Co-ordinator advised of the progress of the investigation and of the

findings, particularly where these affect the operational workings of MAPPA.

Where the complaint is levelled against the MAPPA process and/or a decision

a MAPP meeting has taken, the SMB Chair will consult with the MAPP

meeting Chair and will, in straightforward cases, respond to the complainant.

If the complainant is dissatisfied with the response or the Chair believes that

the case is one which requires an investigation they (the SMB Chair), will

create a sub-group of three, preferably led by a member of the RA, a Lay

Adviser and a Duty to Co-operate (DTC) member not involved in the case.

The SMB Chair will ensure that the complainant and the MAPPA Co-ordinator

are kept advised of the progress of the complaint and its outcome.

Where the complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome of an investigation into

the role of MAPPA in a particular case by the SMB and wishes to take the

matter further, they can apply to the Chief Constable, Chief Probation Officer

or Prison Area Manager/Director of Offender Management and ask that they

review the process.

It is essential that all complaints are dealt with promptly. Where they are

investigated by a single agency, they must keep to their agency timetable and

explain to the MAPPA Co-ordinator and the complainant any reasons for


Where the complaint is investigated by the SMB, this must be

undertaken promptly and should be completed within 56 days. Where this is

not possible, the complainant must be kept informed of the progress of the


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